Photography from Home – Dandelion

This was somewhat inspired by anther photo I saw somewhere.

Dandelions are blooming everywhere. I don’t want them in my yard, but they grow faster than I can get rid of them. They start with bright yellow flowers before they seed out. This one was up by the front sidewalk in full sun.

It was windy so I put a card-board box around it to keep it still. I set up a tripod over it with my macro lens. I was planning to make a focus-stack by taking multiple images, but there was so much light that I stopped the lens down to f/16 and got plenty of focus depth with one photo.

Dandelion Close-up
Dandelion Close-up

I did darken down the background quite a bit and increase contrast to get more detail. I thought it made a nice enough picture for a weed that I would like to eradicate.

Back into hiding for me.

25 thoughts on “Photography from Home – Dandelion

  1. I know lots of people consider this a weed, but it’s one of our native wildflowers — Pyrrhopappus pauciflorus, aka small-flower desert chicory, or Texas dandelion. I love them. If you don’t, they’ll fade away in a couple of months. This is a nice image, for sure.

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    1. I am going after them with the mower soon. My neighbor has a dandelion plantation going in their front yard, so there will be no shortage.

      The dandelion is an inspiration plant. It will grow up through cracks in concrete and grow anywhere.

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  2. If you wait a short while you can get a moody B&W shot of the fluffy seed heads – just before they disperse and provide you with more flowers!

    I believe that you can use the dried root to make dandelion tea but that sounds like an abomination to me.

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